Friday 15 January 2010

Story Boarding

Last lesson, we started story boarding our opening to a thriller. The ideas that we came up with were a girl who was staying at her boyfriends house, and she wakes up in the middle of the night and her boyfriend is gone. The house is next a forest, and as she looking round the house for him, she looks through the window and sees a light coming from the forest, and goes to search for him there. Right at the beginning of the thriller, it is filmed in a small dark room, with a small desk in the middle, and a small lamp on the desk as the only lighting. On the desk, you see a piece of paper with the girl's name, Kate, written all over the paper, saying 'I Love Kate' and things like that, and just the hand writing it, wearing a black glove, and a cigarette just lit in the ashtray. When Kate is in the forest searching for her boyfriend, it goes back to the small room, but this time, the cigarette in the ashtray is right down near the bottom, and the hand is gone, and the pencil is just left rolling across the paper. It then goes back to the forest where Kate is hearing noises, such as crows and thrilling sounds whispering her name. In the background to the forest, there would be thrilling music which we will post on the blog and then choose after. For the ending of the scene, we thought it would be effective if the camera circled Kate, getting faster and her eyes are closed tightly, then it stops close to her face and her eyes opens wide and she screams and thats when we would cut.


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