Friday 29 January 2010

Group Meetings

- 10/12/09
In this meeting, we decided we would watch and analyse clips of some thriller films. We thought that by doing this it would give us some ideas about what to use in our film.

- 16/12/09
In this meeting, we decided that we had to make sure everyone was going to complete the practical coursework elements. We also exchanged contact details.

- 07/01/10
In this meeting, we looked at each persons plot summaries and decided on the one we would use. We took all summaries into consideration and used bits from each persons to put it together. 

- 14/01/10
In this meeting we made sure that all of the storyboarding was completed and we also edited some music that we are going to use in our film.

- 21/01/10
We decided on a date to film our thriller and made sure the props we needed were available for our use.


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