Tuesday 22 December 2009

Practical Coursework : Location Scouting - 4

Transport links - I have a train station within 3 miles of my house, so i can easily get a train to the location i need to, i also have a bus stop at the end of my road, so i have another way of getting to the place we are working. We have a big forest that is a five minute walk from my house taht could be filmed in. If i cannot get to the location i need to by train, bus or walking, then i can get a lift with my parents.

Homes - We are allowed to film at my house if we need to, also alterations may be made as long as they are put back at the end.

Local Area - There a few places in my village where an atmosphere can be created, for example a big forest, which is a five minutes walk away from my house. there are also a lot of big fields with a huge open space, with lots trees around the outside of them to give tension. also some pathways, which are covered by trees, where if you were walking alone, a sense of fear can be shown.

Sources Of Lighting - When in a forest, we would not be able to use plugs, but a battery powered camera can be used. I do not knpw of anyone with a very powerful torch, but could obtain one if i needed to get one.


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