Wednesday 16 December 2009

Evaluation of Preliminary Coursework

What our Coursework was about 

Instead of doing a speech we though it would be a good idea to do an x-factor like scene. The contestant would walk in and then start singing. The people who were behind the camera and not singing were the two judges.

3. What skills did you learn and develop? 

 -Better idea of how to use Final cut express, I was un aware of the program and how to use it before this piece of Coursework
-I learnt how to use the video camera effectively (different camera angle and the effect they create) 
      What were your teamwork experiences?

      - You have to work as a team to get the coursework done
      -We made sure we agreed on something as a group before we did it
      -We listened to everyone's points and took them into consideration
      -We found it easy to work together as we all knew each.

        4. Location Scouting

        -I can get to anywhere as if I cant there by foot,train,bus my parent will give me a lift
        -We are aloud to film at my house
        -An atmospheric place is the forest which is a 5 minute walk away from where I live, obviously there is no power plugs. It would have to be battery power only.
        -I dont no anyone with powerful torches but i could get hold of one if we needed one.


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